STAG Nights: Mardi Gras

November 2007
G12 James Arnott Theatre

‘Student Theatre at Glasgow is pleased to present the 5th Annual STaG Nights. As
a leading festival of New writing and Student Theatre in Scotland, STaG Nights
showcases the talents of the next generation of writers, directors, designers
and actors. This year New Orleans has provided the inspiration for a festival that promises to mix jazz with theatre; comedy with tragedy; carnival with voodoo and vodka with tomato juice, immersing the audience in a festive atmosphere that gets gradually darker. With three nights of live music, a professional fortune teller, a themed bar, short plays ranging from monologues about love and death to mad-cap zombie comedies and much more!’


‘If I only had a brain’
Directed by Joe Waterfield
Zombies! This is the very last thing I expected!

‘to see love in infidelity; to find passion in torture’

EUTC presents ‘The Self Combusting Hedgehog’
A village is duped, a hedgehog is cremated, a detective is on the case …

‘The Tell Tale Heart’
Adapted by Jennifer Lienig
Witness rage and madness and send a shiver down your spine

Written by Stuart Tennent
Four people. In a room. On drugs. Why?

Aberdeen University presents ‘The Critics’
Divas, drama, and a slightly bemused theatre critic

‘Something Happened On My Street’
‘It was magnificent but magnificent isn’t the right word’

‘Emzy’s Tail’
Written and Directed by Gordon Young
A tale in mime as old as the dinosaurs themselves

‘A Short Performance About Death’
Directed by Rob Jones
Eight people explore and interpret the ceremony and performance of death in our culture.

Edinburgh University presents ‘The Improverts’
A unique brand of improvised comedy

‘Yellow Wallpaper’
Classic tale of a descent into madness against the background of a society as maddening as the wallpaper…

‘Filling the Silences’
Directed and Written by Sarah MacDonald
So there were three men in a kitchen. And one clown….

‘The Sandbox’
Directed by Matt Romain
A meditation on death, a bitter satire of life, and a profound exercise in theatre of the absurd.