Contact Us

General Enquiries

If you have any queries, problems or anything else you would like to get in contact with us about, you can do so by emailing the relevant board member at the emails below. If you are unsure of who to email then send your email to either the President or the General Secretary. You may also message our Facebook page.

Feedback & Complaints

The Feedback form below goes directly to the Community and Welfare Officer of STAG and they will get back to you as soon as possible. This is an anonymous Feedback and Complaints Form which allows members to give feedback on the functions of the society, to suggest work that can be highlighted for the society or ideas for socials/workshops while also acting as a portal and to submit complaints in regards to any aspect of STAG. We welcome suggestions from any members. If you would like to send specific feedback to a member of the board please email them.

If you would like to raise an issue with the production you are currently involved with please note that you can speak to your Production Manager about any issues.